Sunday, August 31, 2008

Late June - gorra lorra work on

Late June saw Rob and I doing a range of things. I'm working on a number of tunes and songs from the fabulous Canadian band Le Vent du Nord - if you haven't heard them, you are missing a treat. Take a look on the ubiquitous You Tube.

We have also been doing some recording with Tam Lin ahead of their and our trip down to the Broadstairs Folk Week in August. We have put together four more tracks to add to the four we have recorded with Tam Lin before and Alan has put these either side of some earlier recordings done with the now sadly missed Paul Gunningham, to create an album called The Bridge. Some of the output can be heard on the Tam Lin myspace site but will be available to buy by the time we get to Broadstairs.

I hit the CD shops in Paris in a lull on a recent work-based visit. It is increasingly difficult to keep track of all the material I have now assembled and which is my essential research materials - so some wet winter Sunday will need to be given over to sorting it all out and getting greater clarity on what my work priorities on it might be in the future. But for now Le Vent du Nord, and some work on a variety of new song ideas will keep me busy! Watch this space in the Autumn.

Finally, Rob and I are preparing to do some work with the da capo foundation on some music learning materials for toddlers. I have contributed some words to this project before, but now Rob and I are going to play some of the tunes planned for the kids. From what we know so far, this project will be great fun.


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